Thursday, October 7, 2010

Desert Trip

Winter has come and it’s time for desert outdoor activities. By going to the desert you can blend with the nature and have a fantastic time. In order to have a nice and safe trip you will need some preparation.
First, it’s important to have a campus or GPS device with you in case of getting lost. Second, make sure you bring enough water for each member of the trip (approximately 5 liters each). Third, choose a location not far away from civilization in case of emergency which will give you enough time to get medical attention. Then set a time to start the trip and it should be in daylight to see the proper location to camp; at night it will be hard to set a good camping location. You also need to get enough food for everyone it depends on the time you will spend in the desert; always make sure you get extra food as you never know when you might get guests there.
I hope this little information can help you start a safe trip. Enjoy

My First Blog

Hello all and welcome to my very first blog. I hope through these pages we can exchange ideas and thoughts to improve our English skills.

As this is my first post I would like to tell you all about myself. My name is Humaid Eid Al Mansoori. I am father of 2 daughters. I am a Software developer and have been coding since 1997 and it has become my main tool for living and it pays good. I spend my free time in my beach house and while I am there I love to go fishing and mostly spearfishing.

I hope this gives you a little idea about who I am.